About Us

McGill Concrete Canoe is a design team whose goal is to design, build and race a canoe made entirely out of concrete.
Since its 2012 revival, the team has rapidly grown into one of McGill's largest teams, harbouring more than 50 students each year.
- Civil, Chemical, Materials and Mechanical engineering students make up the team.
- The canoe is able to hold up to 300 kg while floating and can endure racing conditions.
- A unique blend of materials is created to engineer a strong lightweight concrete.
Iterative design processes are necessary to minimize the overall density of the concrete and to test the canoe's resistance to different loading scenarios.
Be a part of the wave!
McGill Concrete Canoe needs your help to continue our activities throughout this season! From fiscal to material donations, we have interesting sponsorship opportunities for you that we would be happy to further discuss.
Sponsor usOur Portfolio
- All
- Minerva (2017)
- Posterra (2016)
- Enigma (2015)
Frequently Asked Questions
How does concrete float?
Concrete floats when the cumulative sum of its materials' densities are lower than 1.0 and it has a shape that displaces water. At McGill Concrete Canoe, we've never failed the float test!
What is a float test?
A float test is a part of the Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition (CNCCC). Each team must submerge their canoe completely and wait for it to float up. There is a 2 minute time limit. If it does not float on its own, the team is allowed to add flotation aids in exchange for a points deduction. We're proud to say that we have not failed this test once!
Where do a majority of the funds go?
Over 70% of the budget goes to the construction and mixing teams. The construction team needs wood, foam and glue to build the mould. The mixing team uses an iterative process to design the mix; they require aggregates, fibers, cement and admixtures to test precisely and effectively.
How does sustainability factor into the equation?
We recognize that creating a canoe is inherently unsustainable due to the waste produced and to the water and energy usage throughout its lifetime. However, McGill Concrete Canoe is the only team in the Canadian circuit that uses wooden cross-sections to build their mould. Where other teams use foam (unnatural polymers), our team is proud to use Canadian wood. Materials and water usage are rigorously tracked by members during their time in the lab.
How can I donate?
Monetary donations are divided into three tiers: supporter, associate and partner. Sponsorship can also be done through material donations. Please contact us for further details; a sponsorship package will be sent to you.
Our Team
Meet our 2022-2023 executive team.

Oliver Cadrain
Co-Captain U5, Civil Engineering
Mark Hayden
Co-Captain U4, Chemical Engineering
Sophie McLean
Aesthetics Captain U4, Chemical Engineering
Ayda Asgari
Business Captain U2, Civil Engineering
Ryan Coultrip
Construction Captain U1, Civil Engineering
Graeme McDougall
HDSA Captain U3, Bioengineering
Tristan Beauchamp
Mixing Co-Captain U2, Civil Engineering
Michelle Pelletier
Mixing Co-Captain U4, Civil EngineeringContact Us
McGill Concrete Canoe
We would like to acknowledge that McGill University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather for our activities. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.
Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
817 Sherbrooke West
Montréal, QC H3A 0C3
Anna Dinolfo's Office (Rm 496)